County of Zadar - General informations
county in the Northen Dalmatia
ZADAR "Zadar Snova"
international theatre festival
ZADAR "Mitra Zonata"
original kcncert dalmatian music by the SeaOrgan
ZADAR "Musical Evenings in St.Donat Church"
international music festival of clasical music
ZADAR "Summer Theatre Festival"
in the cultural and historic ambient of the city of Zadar.
ZADAR "The Fullmoon Festival"
the most famouse festival in Zadar
ZADAR "The Gold and Silver of Zadar"
the largest european exibiton of gold and sliver unikates
ZADAR "The Greeting to the Sun"
the world - known attraction
ZADAR "The Sea Organ"
the world - known attraction
ZADAR - "Maraschino"
the world - known croatian drink from Zadar
ZADAR General informations
the centre of Northern Dalmatia