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ZADAR "Mitra Zonata"

original kcncert dalmatian music by the SeaOrgan

ZADAR - Sea Organ - Mitra Zonata

Under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development of the Republic of Croatia, Sea Organs Festival "Mitra zonata" will be held on 10th of September at the Sea Organs in Zadar.


The idea behind the festival was to unite and emphasize the greatest Zadar's characteristics: Dalmatian harmony-singing, nautical tourism, beauty of the sea and the sea organs. Well-known Croatian entertainers and Dalmatian harmony-singing groups will take turns in front of the large Zadar audience and their guests.



All performers will have a subtle acoustic background of the sea organs which with its sound, added to the singing of Dalmatian harmony-singing groups. Twenty Croatian entertainment music singers and 10 Dalmatian harmony-singing groups will performe, and all of the performers will sing well known compositions about the sea and sailing on sail boats along the sea organ.




the original text and photos of tourist boards city of Zadar




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