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ZADAR "Zadar Snova"

international theatre festival

Croatia - Zadar - Zadar Snova

International Festival of Contemporary Theatre and Performing Arts
Culture association ZadarSnova is the establisher of the International Festival of Contemporary Theatre and Performing Arts. The intention of the Zadar summer theatre festival is to present the newest achievements in the field of contemporary art and to place the performances in the unique site specific surroundings of a 3000 years old city of Zadar.

In the period from 1997 Zad.ArsNova has hosted 850 visiting artists and presented over 200 multimedia productions from all over the world. We have co-produced and assisted various dance and theatre projects, art expressions and exhibitions initiated by independent art groups and individuals on local and national level.



the original text and photos of tourist boards city of Zadar




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Broj odraslih osoba *

Djeca 12-18 g.

Djeca 4-11,99 g.

Djeca 0-3,99 g.

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