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Barbat is a village on the island of Rab.

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Hotel Barbat :
Barbat is a village on the south-western coast of the island of Rab in the Barbat Channel, 3 km southeast of the town of Rab located on the main road (M2).
Barbat Croatia - Barbat Rab - Hotel Barbat - Barbat apartments - Barbat accommodation - Barbat Rooms - Barbat hotels . Barbat camping Barbat travel agency Lotos Kvarner Riviera
Beaches in Barbat :
The place is known for numerous small sand beaches extending from the former ferry pier to the beginning of the town.
Barbat Croatia - Barbat Rab - Hotel Barbat - Barbat apartments - Barbat accommodation - Barbat Rooms - Barbat hotels . Barbat camping Barbat travel agency Lotos Kvarner Riviera
On the island of Rab, ten kilometers from the town of Rab and 2 km from the nearest place Barbat, Pudarica beach has a superb beach club named Santos, open all night. It is Rab's first beach club and the right place for anyone seeking good time and parties.
Barbat Croatia - Barbat Rab - Hotel Barbat - Barbat apartments - Barbat accommodation - Barbat Rooms - Barbat hotels . Barbat camping Barbat travel agency Lotos Kvarner Riviera
During day club offers lounge bar, after beach parties, happy hour, beach volleyball, and during the night transforms to a hot night club where guests can dance on multi level dance floor or in the pool, they can sit in bamboo chairs or take a rest lying further away from loud trendy music. Of course night programs include different events such as photo shootings, drinks, cocktails and other promotions, live performances, go-go dancers, resident and international DJ's.
Barbat Croatia - Barbat Rab - Hotel Barbat - Barbat apartments - Barbat accommodation - Barbat Rooms - Barbat hotels . Barbat camping Barbat travel agency Lotos Kvarner Riviera

Pudarica can be reached by car or by a bus operating from Rab town every hour after 10pm until morning.
Croatia Barbat Rab apartmants Barbat hotels Barbat accommodation Barbat rooms Barbat camping Barbat travel agency Lotos Kvarner Riviera
The islet of Dolin extends parallel to the coast of Barbat, which makes the Barbat channel an attractive place for yachting and water skiing. Since Barbat is attractive to boaters, it has a speed-boat repairing yard, as well as a shop of nautical supplies and spare parts.
Croatia Barbat Rab apartmants Barbat hotels Barbat accommodation Barbat rooms Barbat camping Barbat travel agency Lotos Kvarner Riviera
Numerous vacation homes along the coast, well-developed catering establishments offering domestic products, boarding and lodging services, clean sea under Velebit Mountain and peaceful islands - make Barbat a pleasant place to stay.
Croatia Barbat Rab apartmants Barbat hotels Barbat accommodation Barbat rooms Barbat camping Barbat travel agency Lotos Kvarner Riviera  
History and Cultural Heritage:
Next to the parish church is the ornamented sarcophagus from the 5th century. On the location of today's parish church from 1850, during the 11th-15th centuries stood the Benedictine abbey Sancti Stephani de Postran. The parish church owns a painted crucifix on a board, a work by a local master of the 17th or 18th century. - The remains of the early Romanesque church of St. Damian (which was probably a Benedictine monastery) are located on the hill above the town.

Barbat Croatia - Barbat Rab - Hotel Barbat - Barbat apartments - Barbat accommodation - Barbat Rooms - Barbat hotels. 


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