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Klek is a village situated in the cove of the same name and it is a prominent peak

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Klek Holiday Resorts  (Southern Dalmatia - Apartments Bonaca)
Klek is a village on the north-western coast of the bay of Klek - Neum, 12 km south of Opuzen. Economy is based on farming, olive growing and tourism. Klek is located on the main road (M2, E65).  Klek has about 80 inhabitants.
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The place of Klek, on the peninsula of the same name known for its waters rich in fish, lies in the Malostonski bay, southeast of the Neretva River delta. Klek is ideal for a quiet family holiday.
 Klek Croatia - Hotel Klek - Hotel Plaza Klek - Klek apartments - Klek accommodation - Klek camping - Klek Holidays resort Klek travel agency Lotos Dubrovnik Riviera
It is situated in the cove of the same name, close to the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Klek is an ideal place for peaceful and pleasant vacations.
 Klek Croatia - Hotel Klek - Hotel Plaza Klek - Klek apartments - Klek accommodation - Klek camping - Klek Holidays resort Klek travel agency Lotos Dubrovnik Riviera
Klek - Accommodation:
Accommodation in klek can be found in:
- Hotel Plaza
- hotel Klek
- Tourist settlement Klek (restaurant, coffee shop, supermarket, newsagent's and souvenir shop, dispensary, post-office, exchange office.)
 Klek Croatia - Hotel Klek - Hotel Plaza Klek - Klek apartments - Klek accommodation - Klek camping - Klek Holidays resort Klek travel agency Lotos Dubrovnik Riviera

Facilities in the town: numerous coffee shops, pizzerias, delicatesse shops. Sunshades and deck chairs, as well as pedal-operated pleasure boats can be hired on the beach.
 Klek Croatia - Hotel Klek - Hotel Plaza Klek - Klek apartments - Klek accommodation - Klek camping - Klek Holidays resort Klek travel agency Lotos Dubrovnik Riviera
Klek - Sports and Recreation:
Apart from bathing and water sports, visitors may enjoy other recreational activities at four tennis courts and miniature golf facilities, as well as, bowling alley, children's playground.  In the vicinity are also the villages of Duboka and Komarna with beautiful beaches.
C Klek Croatia - Hotel Klek - Hotel Plaza Klek - Klek apartments - Klek accommodation - Klek camping - Klek Holidays resort Klek travel agency Lotos Dubrovnik Riviera
Klek - Climbing:
Klek is a prominent peak located at the eastern edge of the Velika Kapela massif, rising above the town of Ogulin. From whichever side it is approached, Klek always shows a different face, but there is one feature that ever draws the eye - its vertical, 200 metre-high cliff face at the peak. Seen from a distance it appears as a sleeping giant, with Klecice as his feet, and the cliff face at the peak as his head. The mountain has the shape of a ridge, 3-4 km long, extending NW-SE, forested from its foothills to its crest, while the foothills themselves are given to wide fields and meadows with rich spring flora. There is no peak in the whole of Croatia that has so excited the popular imagination as does, Klek. Tradition has it that Klek has been (and still is) where witches have held their covens since times immemorial, and in fact they have almost become the symbol of the mountain, and of Ogulin.
 Klek Croatia - Hotel Klek - Hotel Plaza Klek - Klek apartments - Klek accommodation - Klek camping - Klek Holidays resort Klek travel agency Lotos Dubrovnik Riviera
Klek - Excursions:
Excursions from Klek are organized to the following destinations:
- Mali Ston
- Dubrovnik
- Bašćinska jezera (Bašćinska lakes)
- Fotosafari on the river of Neretva
- Metkovic - bird watching
- Kravica waterfalls in Bosnia and Herzegovina ( only some 50 km away)
 Klek Croatia - Hotel Klek - Hotel Plaza Klek - Klek apartments - Klek accommodation - Klek camping - Klek Holidays resort Klek travel agency Lotos Dubrovnik Riviera
The south-eastern cliff face of Klek was the venue of the first climbing school for Croatian climbers, from which a large number of climbing championships have been organised.
 Klek Croatia - Hotel Klek - Hotel Plaza Klek - Klek apartments - Klek accommodation - Klek camping - Klek Holidays resort Klek travel agency Lotos Dubrovnik Riviera
Klek - Events:
Legend has it that during a stormy night, witches, wizards and fairies from around the world gather on Mt. Klek and their wheel dance and screams can be heard all the way to Ogulin.
In order to give tourists a special experience, today in Ogulin you can see the Klek witches in costume while travelling on the Karlek eco-tourism train.
 Klek Croatia - Hotel Klek - Hotel Plaza Klek - Klek apartments - Klek accommodation - Klek camping - Klek Holidays resort Klek travel agency Lotos Dubrovnik Riviera
Or visit the Ogulin Fairy Tale Festival, as the people of Ogulin celebrate not only the fairy tale quality of their region but also stimulate artistic and cultural creativity intended for children, by encouraging all those interested to work on projects for children and youth. In addition to numerous plays and the promotion of local theatrical productions, the festival in Ogulin also includes guest performances by many puppet theatres, children and youth theatres, as well as entertainment for adults including plays, concerts and competitions. With the plays intended for both children and their parents, the festival encourages better quality communication between adults and children, while the various workshops and meetings between artists and experts supports the direct artistic process.
 Klek Croatia - Hotel Klek - Hotel Plaza Klek - Klek apartments - Klek accommodation - Klek camping - Klek Holidays resort Klek travel agency Lotos Dubrovnik Riviera
Klek - History:
The quadrangular Monkovic tower with a chapel and the remains of a wall from the 17th-18th century have been preserved in Klek. Above the village are the ruins of the ancient town of Smrden-grad (defence walls, tower, chapel); close to it is a large necropolis of stelae.

Croatia Klek - Dalmatia - Klek apartments - Klek Private accommodation - Klek Hotels - Klek Holiday resorts.

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